We are driven to share wellbeing education that is guided by science and rooted in nature that empowers people to elevate their wellbeing and life.

Neil Davis


Originally from South Africa, Neil is a holistic therapist, educator and bridge for indigenous sciences and modern day healing.
His grounded understanding of indigenous, esoteric, holistic and science based knowledge has been curated from 20+ years working in health, wellbeing and healing all over the world.

Initially guided by science and probabilities he began teaching in 2002 focussing on optimising human performance and progressed onto life as a University Lecturer and researcher leading the Athlete Performance department for World Cup sports teams and Olympic and International Athletes.  

After years of addiction to chasing "achievement", modern rewards and "titles", his own trauma and challenges lead him back home and a need for grounding in culture and nature reconnecting him to a life of traditional medicine and healing. Not only did this bring balance to a new way of holistic life but it also opened the door for many teachings and initiations from Tribal Chiefs, Elders and Indigenous lineages from the Americas to the Pacific and Europe. Then back home to Africa, where he walks the path of African Traditional Medicine, undergoing initiation as a Sangoma (Zulu Shaman), while also being initiated into the oldest know spiritual and healing wisdom of African of the Dogon tribe of West Africa.  

From being guided by science to being grounded in nature, he works holistically merging indigenous healing principles with modern healing techniques and scientific research supporting people and communities to deepen their connection through Traditional Healing, Body & Mind Therapies, Spirituality and Self Mastery.  

A big lover of exploring connection in different lands, Neil also consults and co-creates festivals, events and retreats worldwide which bring together exemplary practitioners, tribal elders, wisdom keepers and visionaries for collective wellbeing, guidance and awakening.

Neil Qualifications click here.